Wednesday, April 9, 2008

So basically I've been playing around with all the layouts and setting and such so I don't have to write. Its for my own good. I think its cause I'm worried I write something that:

a) offends somebody
b) is incorrect
3) compromises my professional life

Hmmm...writing it out like that makes me feel a little gutless.

Here's the deal. I love my wife, bikes, music, and all things philosophical. How can I get into too much trouble with that. Not like anybody is reading--cept the gov't, big brother, the all knowing eye. They're probably at my door right now. Alright fine. If anybody is reading this, well, deal with it. If you are a client, don't worry, I keep it a little more serious at the office. In fact, taking care of you so seriously is why I need to let out the stress away from the office with bike, music and, well...bloghing or blogging or whatever the heck it is.

Peace out home brutha!

(Oh, and if you're a client, what I meant to say was, "I will see you later. Have a good evening.")


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