Sunday, June 28, 2009

Mt Kato put me in the hurt locker

The last couple weeks have not been stellar for my training schedule and I knew this was going to be a tough race. I'd already had a little time off earlier so it wasn't like I could call it a rest period. Anyway, I started a ways in the back but was determined to push it up Kato's first hill and get in a good position in for the single track.
It worked pretty well. I passed a bunch of guys up that climb and was feeling OK still. Was pushing my redline pretty hard though. The first lap was really fast for me. I was climbing the hill on lap two after about 21 minutes. But on that hill I started to feel chills. Yah know, not the kind when you are cold but more like from low blood sugar. I was starting to Bonk. My meal plan this morn was out of the norm and something wasn't right.
Soooo, the pace started slowing a bit but I was still fighting. The whole time I realized I was running very HOT though. 180+ on my HR monitor and I couldn't get it down. This was going to hurt.
I was sucking down my drink and grappling for Hammer gel in my pocket for a boost. I managed to pass a few more people on lap one and two but then just couldn't push any more. I settled in for a OK but not stellar finish until...
Lap 4 and 5 were a really bad experience. I have never seriously cramped in a race before. Maybe a few small twinges here and there but not full on cramps. I've seen guys pulled over unable to continue before but never had to deal with it myself.
Well on the hill up at start of lap four I was feeling my hammys tighten. Then I stood up to go around a comp rider and whoa. Instant lock up of my thigh. Sat down and my hams started screaming. Frick. Those laps were horrible. I gave up at least 10 spots. Including getting passed by Jenna Rinehart. Dang it. I know she is fast but dang it.
Finally, as I was coming down the Quick release on lap five, totally spent and locking up, I checked a big tree really hard on the last 90 degree turn before the final chute. Unfortunately a couple choice words flew and there were spectators at the bottom. Ooops, too late. My whole left arm and should are scrapped up pretty bad.
Anyway, that's it, thankfully. No broken bones an such. I felt like junk for several hours after. Even the Summit didn't taste that great. I know, heresy.

Back to the training schedule. I don't want that happening again.

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